When is It Time for a Madison HVAC Replacement?

If your current heating or cooling system is suffering from numerous major repairs and you notice that it's not running as efficiently as it used to, then it's time to have your heating or air conditioning unit inspected. Although there are numerous factors to consider and any number of problems, the most important question will be, do you try to maintain the current system or is it time to invest in a new Madison HVAC Replacement. This can be a difficult choice for home or business owner. This is why a professional can help. Here are some items to consider next time you're faced with the decision to repair or replace your HVAC system.
The Advantages of a Madison HVAC Replacement
There's one great way to tell if you need to replace your old unit. If your current heating or cooling system is over a decade old, and repair expenses are exceeding half of the actual value of the model, then upgrading to a new model would be better choice. If you own a furnace, then purchasing a new system is an even simpler choice, as new furnaces are remarkably more efficient than the old models. Here are some other benefits to Madison HVAC Replacement over repairs.
- Extended Warranties - New systems are covered warranties that cover any repair costs should problems arise. Old models, however, either do not carry warranties, or the warranty has expired.
- Go Green - Modern AC systems utilize modern coolant which is environmentally friendly. They generally meet all government and agency safety regulations.
- Pure Air - As an AC unit or heater gets older, it creates dirty air that is filled with contaminates and allergens. New systems are designed to produce clean air and have more improved filtration systems.
Improved Options and Features - Modern systems come with a great selection of features that give you options for setting and programming your Thermostat. The features are generally simple and easily accessible on any thermostat panel.
When to Repair Your System Instead
Although Madison HVAC Replacement can be a better option for your home or office, it would be better to keep your current model if maintenance is inexpensive and is not needed all the time. Although new systems do require maintenance and repair from time to time, there is no need to get rid of them if they are still working efficiently. The general rule of thumb is: If the cost of repairs is less than half of the total cost of the system, then repair is a better route to go.
The goal is efficiency and keeping all costs low. If your utility bills seem higher than they should, even after your AC unit has been repaired time and again, then it's obvious that your system needs to be replaced.
We were very happy with the job Ideal Air Inc. did for us. From providing us with 3 different options for our gas furnace and providing us with [...]